Just wanted to give you a quick heads up! For any future orders, please visit https://www.teckprinting.com.my/ and log in using your existing login details on the live site.
In case you're having trouble logging in with your current password, don't worry! You can easily reset your password by visiting https://www.teckprinting.com.my/forgotten-password.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out in the live chat on the website or in https://www.teckprinting.com.my/contact.Thanks!
In case you're having trouble logging in with your current password, don't worry! You can easily reset your password by visiting https://www.teckprinting.com.my/forgotten-password.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out in the live chat on the website or in https://www.teckprinting.com.my/contact.Thanks!

Teck Printing Sdn Bhd (1126589A)
[email protected]
+60 12-800 2829 / 03-8021 9777